GUTEX Thermowall® wood screws
Suitable for wood substrates
GUTEX ETICS thermally decoupled hammer fasteners
For concrete, masonry brick, solid sand-lime brick, lightweight hollow concrete block, perforated brick and porous concrete
GUTEX hammer fasteners
Suitable for the fastening of stop beads to masonry
Plastic insulation discs
For wall openings (reveals/jambs)
GUTEX Durio® injection anchors
Sicherer Befestiger für problematische Untergründe
GUTEX Durio® long shank fasteners
Universal anchor for higher efficiency
GUTEX Durio® spacers
For GUTEX Durio injection anchors
GUTEX Durio® brackets
Bracket permits fastening of GUTEX Durio facade-insulation system
GUTEX Durio® washers
For difficult fastening conditions
GUTEX universal render stop bead
Aluminium stop bead for bottom edges of render adjacent to foundations
GUTEX render stop connectors
Connect GUTEX GUTEX Sockelabschlussleisten (stop bead segments) adjacent to foundation
GUTEX precut render stop corners
Aluminium stop bead for render's bottom edges adjacent to foundation
GUTEX Durio® render stop bead
Aluminium stop bead for render's bottom edges adjacent to foundation
GUTEX drip bead
Vinyl drip bead with integral fibreglass mesh for universal stop
GUTEX angle bead
Fur edges adjacent to foundation
Drip bead
Vinyl drip bead connects to GUTEX render stop
GUTEX Implio® plastic angle
Universal ledge cover corner underlay
GUTEX Implio® P weatherproofing channel
Accommodates GUTEX Implio P reveal insulation
Joint Strip
Used with Thermosafe-nf
GUTEX corner bead
Used to reinforce 90° corners
GUTEX inverted angle mesh
Inverted angle mesh for reveal corners
GUTEX expansion/movement bead
Used for expansion/movement joints of continuous, flush or offset wall sections
GUTEX window bead
Window bead with TPE movement element
GUTEX transition stop bead
Stop bead used for the transition to sheet metal
GUTEX drip bead
Drip bead with integral fibreglass mesh
GUTEX stop bead
Stop bead for use with GUTEX render systems
GUTEX Universal-Armierungsgewebe
Reinforcement mesh
GUTEX adhesive sealing strip
Seals joints against driving rain and wind
GUTEX caulking
Flexible, adhesive caulking for the sealing of board joints
GUTEX caulking
For standard dispensers
GUTEX joint sealing kit
Effectively seals joints against rain
GUTEX brush-on sealant
Pseudoplastic coating with capillary breaking properties
GUTEX Implio® caulking
Used for the installation of GUTEX Implio reveal insulation, ledge insulation, and sunshade housings
GUTEX Implio® P joint tape
Butyl tape
GUTEX Implio® P corner joint tape
Prefabricated butyl corners
GUTEX foundation paint
Aqueous primer for the foundation (area subject to splash water)
Gutex isolating primer
Prime coat with pigment, sand and sodium silicate binder
GUTEX render
Mineral based, final render for interior and exterior use
GUTEX silicone resin render
Silicone resin render for exterior use
GUTEX silicate mineral paint
Applies over GUTEX render systems for an attractive, uniform appearance
GUTEX silicate paint w. fungicide
Final coat applies over GUTEX render system for an attractive, uniform finished surface with added protection against mould and mildew
GUTEX adhesive/base coat
Fibre-reinforced, cementitious dry mortar (inorganic mortar)
Sabre blades
Sabre blades for jigsaws
You must either specify a string src or a File object.
Insulation knife
Cuts flexible insulation
For thermally decoupled screw-in expansion fasteners
GUTEX corner insulation wedge
Reduces thermal bridging in interior insulation
GUTEX Implio® P reveal insulation
Ecological wood fibreboard with cement-free membrane covering; comes render-ready with bead and mesh
GUTEX Implio® P ledge insulation
Ecological wood fibreboard with cement-free membrane covering and tapered sill geometry
GUTEX Durio® partition
Forms a partition for blow-in insulation
You must either specify a string src or a File object.
GUTEX Implio® P sunshade housing
Pre-manufactured insulation element for sunshade housings
GUTEX Implio® P sunshade housing
Pre-manufactured insulation element for sunshade housings
Gutex Durio stainless steel screws
Designed and manufactured specifically for half-timbered walls
GUTEX hole saw HF-A
Cuts holes for blow-in insulation
Info packages
Conveniently order comprehensive information, including technical data sheets, brochures, workshop schedules, etc.